This module is designed to help professionals who provide or administer SUD-related services identify what constitutes an emergency, who may serve as a patient's emergency contact, and what a Part 2 program should do to obtain emergency contact information.
On-demand Learning
Archived recording of July 2023 national webinar facilitated by the CoE-PHI to update our audiences on the current state of the federal laws, regulations, and guidance related to the privacy of substance use disorder and mental health treatment information.
This CoE-PHI video, featuring the perspectives of individuals with lived experience, is meant to illustrate for mental health and substance use treatment providers why confidentiality is so important to their patients’ treatment process.
Special thanks to the individuals who bravely shared their stories with us.
eLearning Module from the CoE-PHI designed to help substance use disorder (SUD) treatment providers and other providers determine whether records related to their Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) services are protected by the federal confidentiality law and regulations for SUD treatment records, 42 USC § 290dd-2 and 42 CFR Part 2.
This module focuses on privacy protections under 42 CFR Part 2 (Part 2) and how to share protected health information (PHI) in compliance with Part 2. It is designed to help professionals who provide or administer Substance Use Disorder (SUD) services understand how PHI can be shared within one’s own organization, and when communicating with clients and individuals outside their organizations.
Video developed for SUD personnel within a general medical facility (program type 3)describes when they must follow 42 CFR Part 2.