First responders often gain access to sensitive information about people’s substance use disorders (SUD) and treatment. Protecting the privacy of this information is key to these individuals’ recovery. It also is required by law. This resource explains the limited circumstances under which two federal privacy laws apply to SUD information obtained by first responders. It also describes how these laws permit first responders to share protected information.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about when parents can access their adult child’s protected health information
InfoBrief developed by the CoE-PHI highlighting student privacy protections and interplay between FERPA, 42 CFR Part 2, and HIPAA related to students' mental health or SUD treatment.
DOE Dear Colleague letter providing guidance on the privacy of student medical records at institutions of higher education.
Guidance regarding the applicability of FERPA and HIPAA to student health records.
FAQ guidance regarding weather HIPAA prevents professionals working in schools from sharing concerns about a student’s mental health with the parents or law enforcement.